Since most Real Estate Agents struggle how to correctly use Facebook to sell more real estate I wanted to Share this super great article that i found from a Social Media Guru, so here it is:
Likes, Shares, Video Views and Comments Don’t Matter…..
…said the social media guru…
I’ve heard the chatter over and’s a myth.. I felt compelled to take you inside the realities of today’s most powerful platform, Facebook..and hopefully dispel some myths. At the same time, share with you some tips to support the growth of your business in an environment where over 100 million Americans login every single night between 8 pm and 10 pm. Here’s some perspective… over 110 million people watched the Super Bowl last year…less than 100 million people watch the 3 major television networks every single night. Where are the eyeballs? Facebook.
News you can use
1. It is a “post” popularity contest. Likes, views, comments and shares on your posts are IMPORTANT!!. It’s social proof and keeps your post in the feed! Facebook doesn’t want people leaving their online space and will reward the best content. With millions of posts, every single one of your posts is bidding for the top spot in the feed. How else would their algorithm choose who gets the most exposure?
2. 8 pm is the optimum time to post. As I shared earlier, 100 million Americans log in between 8 pm and 10 pm every single night. This is more than the 3 major networks combined and just shy of the 110 million that tuned into the Super Bowl last year.
3. People that are fans of your business page will see your ad four times a day vs 2 times a day for those that are not. Tells us a few things.
*Running Facebook ad LIKE campaigns need to be a part of your budgeting.
*The number of people that LIKE your business page MATTERS.
*You want the right people liking your business page.
4. Facebooks Algorithms are getting smarter every day. In your content/copy Facebook does NOT like big huge promises that can seem unrealistic. Their algorithms are written in a way to reward content that PULLS the consumer to you with value, not the outdated PUSHING yourself on the consumers by being the loudest or over selling.
5. Open Loop/Demand Curve Marketing: It’s Human nature to want to see more or close the loop of the content they see. Facebook is an interruptor platform vs a seeker platform like Google so you must be mindful of what captures the consumers attention and then leave them wanting more.
The 3 steps of the sales process.
2. Interaction
3. Conversion
To create awareness you must deliver epic content. Your content and messaging is how you move people through the marketing and sales process.To get interaction you must be consistent and be where your audience is hanging out. To convert you must make deposits and build trust. Your objective is to create epic content that engages the consumer.
How do you create content that talks to the personal of your target audience?
1. List your target market greatest problems.
2. List your target market greatest desires.
3. list your target market likes, interest, behaviors.
4. Use Facebook Audience Insights features to gather information.
Now, deliver a solution in your videos, blogs, postcards, podcasts, emails, flyers, social media environments and any other marketing vehicles you are applying…online or offline. Consistent and Sophisticated delivery of content into your marketplace is the differentiator…you are making deposits of value and goodwill. If your current marketing isn’t working then you are not attaching to your target audiences needs, wants and desires. If you’re not attaching, you’re not going to be effective.
Start the consumer through your marketing process with a Lead Magnet:
*Free Reports.
*Community Updates
*Market Stats
*Mortgage Updates
*Local Business Interviews
*Community Events
The more quality Content you can get your audience to consume before meeting them, the higher your conversion rates will be. Our objective is an appointment to become the next logical step for the consumer to take after consuming our message. Educate entertain and inform them in the Marketing Progression.
One final sales tip: We’ve been programmed for years with the A, B, C’s of sales…Always Be Closing. Beware as it can backfire on you. You are in the information age. You are one click of the back button away from the consumer going somewhere for information instead of having to deal with the constant, loud, in your face closer. Remember, the marketing process has encroached on the sales process. The consumer has all the information at their fingertips.
Be the information portal. Deposit Value and Goodwill into the market.
Sales is the depositing of value and goodwill to build trust in your relationship bank account with the consumer. An effective cadence is 3 deposits then ask for a withdrawal. Remember, you can’t go to an ATM machine and withdraw money with a zero balance.
I hope you find this article helpful , remember to call me if you need help and go out there and kick some butt !!!
Thanks Ulysses, great tips as always.
your welcome hope u can use them and make more sales !