Monthly Archives: March 2016

STOP using “Im to Busy” as an excuse !!!

I wanted to share this great article that i found and read and i wanted to share it with you since i think it will help you since i hear this all the time from Agents that could do a bit better to a lot better with managing their time, here it is :     I hate getting the “I’m busy” excuse. We are all busy. If you are always so busy, maybe you haven’t figured out your niche yet. My time is valuable, so I am careful how I spend it.   Spring is the busy time of year, especially in real estate, and everyone is busy — […]

AGENTS: Focus on SOI- Sphere Of Influence

Here is a Simple and easy way to get more sales and to Stop trying to build your business with your bank account! Did you know that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) …72% of clients come from Trusted Resources. So, what are trusted resources? I’ll tell you…they are the very best lead sources that will build your business and cost you absolutely no money!   So here it is people Let me break down, our trusted resources (Lead Sources):   Trusted Resources – Your SOI Seller Transactions: 39% Friends- Family- Neighbors 25% Past Client 7% Other Referrals   Buyer Transactions: 45% SOI 12% Past Client 8% Open House 7% Referrals […]