“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are from an early 19th-century English poem by Jane Taylor, “The Star”. The poem, which is incouplet form, was first published in 1806 in Rhymes for the Nursery.
Im sure the following sounds familiar…
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are?
Up above the sky so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are?
Have you ever wondered what makes this children’s rhyme so unforgettable? Don’t worry, I did the all the hours of research for you on this one. It’s unforgettable for this reason…it’s a single words and lines with repeating external rhymes. This is a common and highly-effective technique used predominantly in nursery rhymes and poems.
In my ongoing efforts to provide you with creative ideas for fast-tracking your goals, I’m going to use this lesson to share with you an eight-word rhyming strategy, a single phrases with repeating external rhymes that achieves the twin objectives of being both highly-effective and unforgettable.
Ready? Here it comes…
that’s it ! very simple, very easy.
let me to break this strategy down to the simple ridiculous ! into FOUR easy steps:
#1 : Think It
All physical goals or outcomes are born by thought and have some kind of a mental equivalent.
What this means is that everything you want to be, have or do initially exists as nothing more than vapor, and that by setting a goal, you are actually tasking yourself with creating something out of nothing. That’s why I love this subject as I’ve always looked at goal setting as a magical process, whereby you get to go to amazing places inside your mind, to think as big and bold as your imagination allows, and to dream about all the wonderful things you want to do with your life.
The first step is to imagine what is possible, then have the faith to believe that what is possible is possible for you. That’s why we must engage in the the discipline of thinking before inking, and especially thinking before taking action.
#2: Ink It
Your mind while blessed with permanent memory and is cursed with lousy recall. Written goals are catalysts; they serve as transforming agents for success and achievement.
That is precisely why I urge you to write them down at the beginning of each day, and then place them in area of high visibility to ensure focus, reinforcement and accountability.
From eureka to achievement, the evolution of a goal begins in the mind and immediately takes shape when pen is put to paper. The goal progresses from thought to sketch, from sketch to action, and finally from action to achievement in real time.
Goals and plans kept only in your mind have an uncanny way of remaining figments of your imagination…as once they are out of sight, they quickly go out of mind. Therefore, be sure to Ink It after you Think It by committing all plans to paper or computer.
#3: Do It
A flawed premise of success is that the goal is the most important ingredient in the stew of success, and that you win or lose based on the merits or worthiness of the goal.
How wrong and casualty-creating that premise is as the best goal or idea, no matter how well thought out and documented cannot survive inferior execution.
Goals never fail…ONLY implementation does, and unless you execute properly and remain focused until completion, the goal — and that means ANY goal — is irrelevant.
The difference between those who have goals and plans but don’t succeed and those that do succeed is simple: Those that succeed are able to execute well and follow through until completion. So go, get after it, get it done and then by all means…do it again tomorrow.
#4: Review It
Just as DNA’S coding is built into every cell of your body, the combination for achieving any goal requires the inspection of expectations. This is why I continually reinforce the importance of an After Action Review (AAR).
The fact is, no plan holds up against the weight of opposition, change, and adversity. The shelf life of any goal or plan expires quickly if not reviewed, updated and acted upon.
Good intentions, while honorable are of little use when you let months, quarters, and years of potential and possibility slip by unexpected.
An AAR is a rigorous assessment which should be conducted after a project, period of time, or major activity that allows you to discover what happened and why. It is based on four question
- What exactly did you set out to do?
- What actually happened, what were the results?
- Why did it happen?
- What are you going to do next time?
Always remember, what get’s reviewed…get’s improved, and what get’s reviewed consistently…improves consistently. The purpose of setting a goal is to ACHIEVE IT, and the AAR ensures that the goals you set, are the goals you get. The bottom line is that consistent performance review is a valuable exercise as this ongoing discipline is aimed squarely at driving a persistent improvement in skill, execution, knowledge and results. Remeber Think It, Ink It, Do It, Review It .
Remember to wake up every day and Attack The Market with a plan or go back to sleep !!!!!
Your words are very inspiring & you’re an inspiration to all of us! THANKS for being there with your helping hands!