I hear it often when talking to agents and asking them what they do to generate buyers or sellers… “Open Houses Do Not Work…” Thats a bunch of Bologna!!!!! Open Houses are amazing, they only dont work if you dont know what you are doing! Solution, dont be like everyone else! Here is what you do to get results!
#1, know the reason we do Open Houses…. it is because 66% of buyers go with the first Realtor they meet with and connect with in person. So it is by far the best way to get face to face and connect.
#2, Go MEGA! Don’t be like the average Realtor that just throws up a few signs last minute, you MUST take Massive Levels of Action and PREPARATION is KEY ( 2 weeks in advance) Here are the steps we follow…
First, we identify the property, make sure it is at the price point you want with your ideal client moving to that area. Next, call and privately invite all the neighbors. Nothing fancy, just call them up and say “Hi This is Ulysses from FOSTER HAMILTON Real Estate, I just listed a home in your neighborhood and will be holding an open house event this weekend (date and time), I am doing courtesy calls to the neighborhood today to privately invite all the neighbors to stop by…” Most won’t show up but that is not the point, it is getting your name known in the area. Next, we flyer the closest 500 neighbors with a flyer invite, make it simple, not busy. Next we use a ton of signs !! you must have about 30-40 open house signs(this is key !! no less than 30 signs) make it impossible to not get noticed. Make it an Open House Circus !!! Next, get everyone to sign in, this is how:
First: Put a Sign On The Door that states “for Security and Per Sellers Request Please Sign In”… this step is crucial as now they are expected to to sign in…
Second: Have a table set up right at the front door with a sign in sheet and all the property info… On the sign in sheet THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART…. put down 7 names, emails and phone numbers (these can be friends, family, made up #’s, etc…). This is critical as people then will walk in, see the sign, see everyone else is doing it and 85 to 90% will automatically without even thinking about it, sign in with all their info!
Step # 3: Have open house flyers with proper content: meaning use the top 1/3 of the flyer for information on subject property and use the bottom 2/3rd’s for other content like: free market analysis, free buyer & seller reports etc….( besides your name and number and company, dont say anything about yourself like; im the best agent in the world ! nowadays buyer and seller dont like agents with big egos, they just want info that is going to help them. please, this is not about you the agent, its about the client, lol
Additional ideas:
1. Pick a partner to share expenses Lender, title etc. Seller?
2. Provide some proper food and beverage at the open house.
3.Door knock the neighborhood surrounding the open house and invite everyone for lunch and to say goodbye to their neighbor.
4. Wear your company name badge. and look professional( thats a whole other topic)
5. Bring your laptop or tablet and load the app “Open House Pro.” or other.
6. Why not offer to host this type of Open house event with a For Sale By Owner? You might end up with a listing.
7. Email Blast: your database, facebook, tweeter, etc
8. Advertise open house Via Sandicor MLS, Craigslist, SignonSandiego, Zillow etc.
Next follow up like crazy on the leads! The Key and the Money is in the follow up! (more on follow up next week)
I know of an TOP Agent in the North County that does open house as if he works real estate for a living 11am-6pm 4 times a week……
If You want EXTREME results you must be willing to go to the EXTREME! Get your Mega Open Houses Rolling and go and ATTACK the market !!!!
your MEGA OPEN HOUSES report it is very helful
I like your ideas. I would use them. Thanks
Lupita thank you call me with any questions, Open Houses are Great ! if you never need to borrow extra open house sign call me 🙂
Hi Isabel, they are proven ! please try it at least once, but do exactly as directed and you will be super surprised !!! good luck !!
Good report I got a lot out of it. Thanks